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Monday, February 11, 2008

IV. HDRA The Prosopis juliflora - Prosopis pallida Complex: A Monograph

The above title by NM Pasiecznik of the organic organisation, Coventry UK 2001. Thanks the Department for International Development of the UK Government for funding the production of this and associated publications, through the Forestry Research Programme.

The foreword of the works indicate: "There is a long list of tree species that have, over the last 30 years or so, appeared to offer outstanding solutions to the land use problems of the tropical and the developing world......The genus Prosopis epitomises this dilemma. Not only does it include species which grow where virtually nothing else will, it also produces food and a high quality wood for fuel and many other purposes. On the other hand its very vigour and competitiveness makes it a formidable invader of other land use systems, such as grazing lands."

The conclussion of the works indicate: " We the authors, feel the objective should not be just to give the poorest in the world's semi-arid regions more firewood, but to create a large market of high value product that can lift them from the lowest strata of poverty. Prosopis has been the species of the political disenfranchised, who do not have the influence to request research and development funding for generic improvement, processing technology and marketing........"

Besides pages of references, photos and word of caution and promotion of the mesquite, this work by Pasiecznik is a most for he who is interested in the Mesquite connection.

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The Mesquite tree

The Mesquite tree
Many strong roots

The history and possibilities of the tree: Mesquite. (Prosopis glandulosa glandulosa mostly in Texas, palida, other variants of this species Prosopis )

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M.S in Microbiology, Wichita State University 1959. Worked for Pet Milk and H.J.Heinz (Mexico), and since 1973 retired consultant for food and feed industries.