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Sunday, February 10, 2008

II. Mesquite's proper name

The proper name of the mesquite tree is Prosopis, the surname here in Texas is glandulosa, var glandulosa ergo our mesquite is Prosopis glandulosa glandulosa. This is the mesquite that is reported to have an extension of 65 million acres and that the Texas A & M at Kingsville took to Sudan, Africa to stop the desert. This last fact is personal communication from Dr. Peter Felker at that time head of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute at the Texas A&M University at Kingsville and one of the most publisized, living persons, on mesquite.
If we were in Peru we would be dealing with Prosopis laevigata var andicola and if we were in Afghanistan we would be looking at Prosopis cineraria or Prosopis farcta var farcta or var glabra, but if we were in Argentina we could be dealing with Prosopis caldenia.
The fact is that from Sudan to Argentina it is possible to see, enjoy and use, a mesquite tree.
Pay attention Sudanese, you are plucking away with aims to destroy a very important potential industry, "tame the tree don't kill it", blog on.

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The Mesquite tree

The Mesquite tree
Many strong roots

The history and possibilities of the tree: Mesquite. (Prosopis glandulosa glandulosa mostly in Texas, palida, other variants of this species Prosopis )

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M.S in Microbiology, Wichita State University 1959. Worked for Pet Milk and H.J.Heinz (Mexico), and since 1973 retired consultant for food and feed industries.