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Friday, February 17, 2012

A soap a Soap my kingdom for a soap

Well not really, but this Christmas, my son, Saul, violinist in his Senior year at the School of Music of UTSA gave me a bar of this product and was not only satisfying but gratifying to see that other persons are taking to use the mesquite bean, maybe some day in the future its presence as the SECOND CORN and all its multiple uses will be known to all mankind.
Saludos salud suerte
Enjoy the Mesquite Wild Soap, these people are good folks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey George,

So glad you like our Mesquite Soap! Thanks for your kind words.

Maggie, soap bartender
A Wild Soap Bar LLC

The Mesquite tree

The Mesquite tree
Many strong roots

The history and possibilities of the tree: Mesquite. (Prosopis glandulosa glandulosa mostly in Texas, palida, other variants of this species Prosopis )

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M.S in Microbiology, Wichita State University 1959. Worked for Pet Milk and H.J.Heinz (Mexico), and since 1973 retired consultant for food and feed industries.